Capresso 112 warranty Regulating Temperature, Using the Flexible Hose with the frothXpress System

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c. Insert the joint firmly into the con- connector until you hear it "snap" into place ( parts Y and V).

d. Attach the connector to the steam nozzle until the red seal of the steam nozzle is no longer visible. (parts V and U). The steam nozzle is already attached to the metal steam hose.

e. Remove the lid of the milk container and fill it with milk.

f.Replace the milk container lid and connect to the joint (parts Y and Z).

g.Make certain that the knob is parallel to the joint (fig. 13) If the knob is perpendicular to the joint, the flow of milk will be blocked (fig. 14).

14.MAKING HOT FROTHED MILK The frothXpress system allows you to heat and froth milk directly into your cup.

a. Place a cup underneath the frothing sleeve (fig. 12).

b. Press selector switch on top of machine to the steam position (fig, 1; 1b).

c. Turn selector knob to the pre-heating position (fig. 7).

d. When the orange thermostat light illuminates, the system is ready to froth. Turn selector knob to steam position (fig. 8).

e. The frothXpress system will auto- matically dispense hot frothed milk into your cup. When you have enough frothed milk, turn the knob back to the "O"-position (fig. 5).

IMPORTANT: Clean frothXpress system immediately after use (see chapter 24)!


OF FROTHED MILK Maximum milk flow, with maximum froth, is achieved when the knob is parallel to the joint (fig. 13). Turning the knob approximately 20 to 40 degrees (fig.15) will slow down the

flow of milk, increasing the milk tem- perature and decreasing the amount of froth. The temperature of the milk will vary between 120º F and 160º F depending on the position of the knob. ATTENTION: If you turn the knob too much the milk will splatter. If the knob is perpendicular to the joint (fig. 14), the flow of milk will be blocked. Only hot steam will pass through frothXpress system. For best results, be careful not to turn the knob too far in either direction.


Instead of using the milk container provided, you may chose to froth milk directly from your milk carton. The flexible hose provided allows you to do this easily and without mess. Sim- ply attach the hose to the joint and in- sert the end of the hose directly into a small milk carton (fig. 16). IMPORTANT: The hose must point downward to function properly. This means the milk carton must not be taller than the frothXpress system. You may cut the hose to fit properly if necessary.


Italian Cappuccino is the combination of one or two espressos with 3 to 6 ounces of hot frothed milk. With the EspressoPRO you can either prepare the coffee first and then froth the milk, or froth the milk first and then prepare the espresso directly into the cup which contains the frothed milk. The advantage of the latter is that you do not have to pour the espresso into the cappuccino cups.

18.MULTIPLE CAPPUCCINOS When making multiple cups of cappuccino we recommend frothing the milk directly into the number of cups you intend to prepare. Place cups


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Capresso 112 warranty Regulating Temperature, Using the Flexible Hose with the frothXpress System, Making Cappuccino