Getting to know your cash register
Getting to know your cash register
X | Z |
An error is generated (E01 displayed) whenever the position of the Mode Switch is changed during registration.
The position of the Mode Switch controls the type of operations you can perform on the cash register.
PGM RF | OFF | REG | CAL | X | Z |
● ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
In this position, the power of the cash register is off.
REG (Register)
This is the position used for registration of normal transactions.
RF (Refund)
This is the position used for registration of refunds.
CAL (Calculator)
This is the position used for calculator mode.
PGM (Programming)
This is the position used to program the cash register to suit the needs of your store.
X (Read)
This is the position used to produce reports of daily sales totals without clearing the totals.
Z (Reset)
This is the position used to produce reports of daily sales totals. This setting clears the totals.
!Department Number Display
Anytime you press a department key to register a unit price, the corresponding department number appears here.
@PLU Number Display
Anytime you perform a PLU registration, the corresponding PLU number appears here.
#Number of Repeat Display
Anytime you perform “repeat registration” (page 13), the number of repeats appears here.
Note that only one digit is displayed for the number of repeats.
$Numeric Display
Entered values (unit prices or quantities) and calculated values (subtotals, totals or change amount due) are displayed here. The capacity of the display is 8 digits.
This part of the display can be used to show the current time or date between registrations (page 32).