3. Loading Paper Roll And Replacing The Printer’s Ink Roll
Mode Switch to REG
REG | X |
OFF | Z |
1. To load journal paper!Remove the printer cover by lifting up the back.
@Put a roll of journal paper into the holder.
#Cut the leading end of the roll paper with scissors and insert the paper into the inlet.
$Press the lkey until 20 or 30 cm of paper is fed from the printer.
%Roll the paper onto the
^Set the left plate of the
&Press the lkey to take up any slack in the paper.
*Replacetheprintercoverbyplacing the cover’s front tab into the regis- ter’sgroove.
2. To remove journal paper!Removetheprintercoverfollowing theinstructionsabove.
@Press the lkey until approxi- mately20cmofthepaperisfedfrom theprinter.
#Cut off the roll paper.
$Remove the
%Remove the journal paper from the
^Cut off the paper left in the printer and press the lkey until the
remaining paper is fed out from the printer.
&Remove the core of the paper.
*Load new paper following the in- structions above, and replace the printercover.
Default printer setting is for Journal.
To print receipts, please refer to
!To use the printer to print receipts, follow steps 1 through 4 of “To load journalpaper”.
@Pass the leading end of the receipt paperthroughtheprintercover’spa- per outlet and replace the printer cover.
#Tear off any excess paper.
Mode Switch to OFF

!Remove the printer cover.
@Liftupthetabontheinkrollmarked “PULLUP”.
#Install a new Ink Roll and press it downfirmlybutgentlyuntilitsnaps intoplace.
$Replace the printer cover onto the cashregister.
Options: Roll paper –
%Press the nkey to check for correctoperation.