CPU (LSI1: MSM6755B-17)
The CPU reads sound data from the ROM in accordance with the pressed key and the selected tone; the CPU can read rhythm data simultaneously when a rhythm pattern is selected. Then it provides the left and the right channels’ waveforms separately, by converting the data into the waveforms with two
Pin No. | Terminal | In/Out | Function |
1 | MA14 | Out | Address bus |
2, 3 | NCO | — | Not used |
4 ~ 19 | MA0 ~ MA13 | Out | Address bus |
13 | MRDB | Out | Read enable signal |
17 | MCSB | — | Not used |
20 ~ 27 | MD0 ~ MD7 | In/Out | Data bus |
28, 29 | NC1, NC2 | — | Not used |
30 | DGND | In | Ground (0 V) source |
31 | DVCC | In | +5 V source |
32, 33 | XTLO, XTLI | In/Out | 20 MHz clock input/output |
34 | NC3 | — | Not used |
35 | RSTB | In | Reset signal input |
36 | P24/RXD | — | Not used. Connected to +5 V. |
37 | P25/TXD | — | Not used |
38 | NMI | In | Power ON signal input. Connected to +5 V. |
39 | APO | Out | APO (Auto Power Off) signal output |
40 | NC4 | — | Not used |
41 | REFH | Out | Terminal for the internal DAC |
42, 43 | NC5, NC6 | — | Not used |
44 | DAOR | Out | Right channel sound waveform output |
45 | NC7 | — | Not used |
46 | AVdac | In | +5 V source for the internal DAC |
47 | DAOL | Out | Left channel sound waveform output |
48 | REFL | Out | Terminal for the internal DAC and ADC |
49 | AGdac | In | Ground source for internal DAC |
50 | AGadc | In | Ground source for internal ADC |
51 | ANI | In | APO cancellation signal |
52 | AVadc | In | +5 V source for the internal ADC |
53 | NC8 | — | Not used |
54 | MOD0 | In | Mode selection terminal. Connected to +5 V. |
55, 56 | MOD1, MOD2 | In | Mode selection terminal. Connected to ground. |
57 | P40 | — | Not used |
58 ~ 64 | KI0/P30 ~ KI7/P36 | In | Terminals for key/button input signal |
65 | KI7/P37 | — | Not used |
66 ~ 73 | KO0/P50 ~ KO7/P57 | Out | Terminals for key scan signal |
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