This is the tone selection message. PROGRAM CHANGE can contain tone data within the range of 0 to 127.
A PROGRAM CHANGE message (0 to 99) is sent out through this keyboard’s MIDI OUT terminal whenever you manually change its tone number. Receipt of a PROGRAM CHANGE message from an external machine changes the tone setting of this keyboard (this page).
This keyboard can send tone data within the range of 00 to 99 and receive tone data within the range of 0 to 127.
This message carries pitch bend information for smoothly sliding the pitch upwards or downwards during keyboard play. This keyboard does not send pitch bend data, but is can receive such data.
This message adds effects such as vibrato and volume changes applied during keyboard play.
CONTROL CHANGE data includes a control number (to identify the effect type) and a control value (to specify the on/off status and depth of the effect).
The following is a list of data that can be received using
Effect | Control Number |
VOLUME | 7 |
HOLD1 * | 64 |
*Pressing the foot pedal causes the sustain effect (HOLD1) to be sent (control number 64).
Changing MIDI Settings
This keyboard lets you change the settings of two MIDI pa- rameters: TONE MAP and KEYBOARD CHANNEL.
To change MIDI parameters
1. Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button ei-
ther three or four times to select the parameter you want.
Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button three times: KEYBOARD CHANNEL
Press the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button four times:
Example: To select the TONE MAP parameter.
2. Use [+] and
Example: To change the TONE MAP parameter value to “G” (GM).
•If you accidentally go past parameter you want, keep pressing the TRANSPOSE/TUNE/MIDI button un- til parameter you want reappears on the display.
•If you leave the parameter selection screen on the dis- play for about five seconds without doing anything, the parameter selection screen is automatically cleared.
CTK481_E31_33.p65 | Page 32 | 02.8.26, 17:30 | Adobe PageMaker 6.5J/PPC |