Playing and Editing a Movie

Playing a Movie

Use the following procedure to play a movie you recorded with this camera.

To do this:

Do this:

Fast forward or fast reverse



Press [￿] or [￿].

• Each press increases the speed


one more step.




Return fast forward or fast


reverse movie playback to normal

Press [SET].



1.In the PLAY mode, use [￿] and [￿] to scroll through movies on the monitor screen and display the one you want.

Elapsed recording time Movie icon

Pause movie playback

Press [SET].

Scroll paused playback one

Press [￿] or [￿].





Stop movie playback

Press [MENU].



Adjust the movie audio volume

Press [￿] and then use


[￿] and [￿].

Toggle monitor screen indicators

Press [￿] (DISP).

on and off




Zoom the movie image

Press the zoom button

( ).


Image quality

2.Press [SET].

This starts playback of the movie.

You can perform the following operations while a movie is playing.

Scroll a zoomed movie image on

Use [￿], [￿], [￿], [￿].

the monitor screen