Changing Photo Loader preferences

This sub-section describes the various Photo Loader preferences. Photo Loader preferences are broadly divided into following three types.


Loading images in a camera



1.Click the [Preferences] button from the function buttons.

2.Click the <General> tab.

3.Set the preferences as required.

<General> covers the following preferences.

Library sort method

Specifies how to sort loading images and create a library when loading images.

There are two sorting methods, “Sort by recording date” and “Sort by date”.

Sort by recording date

Sort by the date taken using a digital camera

Will be sorted according to the Exif recorded date information for the image (JPEG) file.

Movie (AVI) files will be sorted according to the file date information (update date).

Ex. The image file recorded on 2002/7/31 will be loaded into the folder “20020731”.

Sort by date

New folders will be created and sorted every time images are loaded. (Sorted by the date specified when the image is loaded)

Ex. The image file recorded on 2002/7/31 will be loaded into the folder “20020731_1”.