Playing the Digital Keyboard

Sounding Sampled Sounds with the Voice Pads

After performing melody sampling to tone number 571 through 575, the corresponding tones are replaced with the samples in Sets 1, 2, and 3 of the voice pads described in the previous section. For more information about melody sampling, see page E-20.

Deleting sampled data will return the Voice Pads to their default sounds. For more information about deleting sampled data, see page E-25.

Adjusting the Volume Levels of Voice Pads

You can use the following procedure to adjust the volume levels of the voice pad sounds to match them to other sounds (keyboard, etc.).

1.Enable the voice pads.

See steps 1 and 2 of the procedure on page E-11.

2.While holding down bt, hold down the voice pad (ck through co) whose volume you want to adjust.

Keep bt and the voice pad depressed as you perform the next step.

Example: To select cl (Pad 2).

bt cl

3.While still holding down the two buttons, keep pressing and releasing any keyboard key.

Each press of the keyboard key will sound the tone assigned to the voice pad. As you listen to the tone, adjust its volume by altering the speed at which you are pressing the keyboard key. Pressing at a faster rate will raise the volume, while a slower rate will lower the volume.

4.After the tone is at the volume you want, release the two buttons you depressed in step 2.

You can batch adjust the volume level of more than one voice pad by holding down more than one voice pad along with bt in step 2 above.

Using the Metronome

The metronome lets you play and practice along with a steady beat to help keep you on tempo.


1.Press 7.

This starts the metronome.

This pattern changes with each beat.

2.Press 7 again to stop the metronome.

Changing the Beats Per Measure

You can configure the metronome to use a bell sound for the first beat of each measure of the song you are playing.

You can specify 0, or a value from 2 to 6 as the number of beat per measure.

When playing a built-in song, the beats per measure setting (which determines when the bell sounds) is configured automatically for the currently selected song.

1.Hold down 7 until the beats per measure setting screen appears on the display.

B e a t

If you do not perform any operation for a few seconds after the beats per measure setting screen appears, the display will return to the screen displayed before you pressed 7.

2.Use bs (10-key) to enter the number of beats per measure.

The bell will not sound if you specify 0 for this setting. In this case, all beats are indicated by a click sound. This setting lets you practice with a steady beat, without worrying how many beats there are in each measure.
