Assembly Instructions for Integrated Dishwasher
The control panel can be easily aligned with the kitchen drawers,
using the spacers supplied with the appliance (see Fig.1 and
Fig.2).The height of the control panel is 115 mm, while the three
spacers each add 7.5 mm in height.
Technical Information for Installation
If the kitchen decor requires that the height of the panel be
modified, it can be increased by adding spacers at the bottom
of the control panel itself (see Fig.1 and Fig.2). Each spacer
adds 7.5 mm in height.
Adjusting the Height of the Control Panel
Mounting the Wooden Panel onto the Door and Slid-
ing the Dishwasher into the Cabinet
During the preparatory stages for installing the dishwasher into
the kitchen cabinet, holes must not be drilled in the sides, or
door, in order to avoid compromising the performance or opera-
tion of the appliance. Before working on any internal components,
the unit must be disconnected from the power supply .The maxi-
mum dimensions for the wood panel that can be installed on the
door are: Height - 610mm; Width - 598mm; Thickness:20mm.
The height dimension of 610 mm must be reduced if the height
of the control panel is increased through the use of the spacers.
In addition, the base must be trimmed if it interferes with the
opening of the door.
Align the top edge of the template (identified with the “A” arrow
) with the top edge of the panel. On both sides of the template
(top and bottom ) are written the various dimensions that corre-
spond to the different possible widths for the panel. Align the
template with the side of the panel (left or right), making sure
that the panel coincides with the appropriate dimensions. Mark
the positions for the holes for the screws, using the tip of a drill
or a pencil. The three holes closest to the side should be used
(B). Repeat this step on the other side of the panel ,using the
corresponding side of the template.
Using the Drilling Template (Fig.3 - integrated with
control panel )
At the point marked, drill holes 2 mm in diameter . If the panel is
made of chip board , only drill through the veneer. If the panel is
made of solid wood, the holes can be made deeper. Position the
two brackets so that they are lined up with the holes made in the
bottom part of the panel. The holes furthest to the outside should
be used to fasten the brackets. The small fins should be turned
downward. The hooks in the totally built-in version should be
screwed into the two holes at the top.
Fastening the Bracket to the Wooden Panel(Fig.4 in-
tegrated with control panel)
Place the wood panel onto the door of the dishwasher. Then
perform the installation steps described below, based on whether
the panel is for a totally built-in model or integrated with the con-
trol panel.
Mounting the Wood Door Panel onto the Dishwasher
Insert the metal fins into the slots located on the dishwasher
door, hooking the panel into place by sliding it to the right (see
Panel Integrated with the Control Panel