Section 5 Glossary
5-12 WR850
A virtual private network is a private network that uses “virtual”
connections (tunnels) routed over a public network (usually the
Internet) to provide a secure and fast connection; usually to users
working remotely at home or in small branch offices. A VPN
connection provides security and performance similar to a
dedicated link (for example, a leased line), but at much lower
A wide-area network provides a connection over a large
geographic area, such as a country or the whole world. The
bandwidth depends on need and cost, but is usually much lower
than for a LAN.
Wireless Access Point or Wireless Access Protocol. See also
Access Point.
Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption protects the privacy of data
transmitted over a wireless LAN. WEP uses keys to encrypt and
decrypt transmitted data. The access point must authenticate a
client before it can transfer data to another client. WEP is part of
IEEE 802.11b.
Wireless fidelity (pronounced why'-fy) brand name applied to
products supporting IEEE 802.11b/g.
Wireless LAN.
Wi-Fi Protected Access. A security regimen developed by IEEE
for protection of data on a WLAN.
World Wide Web. An interface to the Internet that you use to
navigate and hyperlink to information.