Hitch Pin
Qty. 2
Hinge Pin
Qty. 2
Place lid assembly onto firebox, aligning hinges. Upper Hinges fit inside lower hinges. Secure using two hinge pins and
hitch pins. Tighten upper hinge screws.
Heat Tent and Cooking Grate
Place heat tent into firebox. Align the slots on heat tent to heat tent support screws.
Place cooking grate onto firebox.
Swing Away
Insert ends of Swing Away pivot wire into holes in sides of grill lid. Insert ends of Swing Away leg wire into holes in sides of
firebox. NOTE: Pivot and leg wires, running side-to-side, should be under wires running front-to-back. If pivot and leg wires
are on top, swing away is installed upside-down.
Swing Away
Pivot wire
Leg wire
Cooking Grate
Heat Tent