DMX Mode This mode allows the unit to be controlled by any universal DMX controller. If you are unfamiliar with
DMX, please read the DMX Primer on page 16.
1) Press <MODE/ESC> until is displayed.
2) Use the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons to select the desired address.
DMX Channel Values (19-channel mode)
1 000 Ù 255 Pan 1: 128 = halfway point
2 000 Ù 255 Tilt 1: 128 = halfway point
3 000 Ù 255 Pan 2: 128 = halfway point
4 000 Ù 255 Tilt 2: 128 = halfway point
5 000 Ù 255 Pan 3: 128 = halfway point
6 000 Ù 255 Tilt 3: 128 = halfway point
7 000 Ù 255 Pan 4: 128 = halfway point
8 000 Ù 255 Tilt 4: 128 = halfway point
9 000 Ù 255 Pan 5: 128 = halfway point
10 000 Ù 255 Tilt 5: 128 = halfway point
11 000 Ù 255 Pan 6: 128 = halfway point
12 000 Ù 255 Tilt 6: 128 = halfway point
13 000 Ù 255 Vector Speed: (Normal > Slow)
000 Ù 099
100 Ù 133
134 Ù 243
244 Ù 249
250 Ù 255
Dimmer (0 – 100%)
Strobe (Fast > Slow)
No Function
15 000 Ù 255 Gobo 1 & 4
16 000 Ù 255 Gobo 2 & 5
17 000 Ù 255 Gobo 3 & 6
000 Ù 016
017 Ù 135
137 Ù 255
Gobo Rotate
No Function
Counter-clockwise (Slow > Fast)
No Rotate
Clockwise Rotate (Slow > Fast)
001 Ù 007
008 Ù 015
016 Ù 023
024 Ù 031
032 Ù 039
040 Ù 047
048 Ù 055
056 Ù 063
064 Ù 071
072 Ù 079
080 Ù 087
088 Ù 095
096 Ù 103
104 Ù 111
112 Ù 119
120 Ù 127
128 Ù 160
161 Ù 193
194 Ù 226
227 Ù 254
No Function
Auto 1
Auto 2
Auto 3
Auto 4
Auto 5
Auto 6
Auto 7
Auto 8
Auto 9
Auto 10
Auto 11
Auto 12
Auto 13
Auto 14
Auto 15
Auto 16
Sound 1
Lamp On (after 5 seconds)
Lamp off (after 5 seconds)
Reset (after 5 seconds)
No Function
Constellation User Manual 13 2007-01-09/10:53