Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Getting Started Guide
Chapter 5 CLI Tips, Techniques, and Shortcuts
Viewing System Information with show Commands
Tip On most systems, Ctrl-Z can be entered at any time to interrupt the output and return to EXEC mode.
For more information, see Appendix A, “Understanding Regular Expressions, Special Characters, and
Multipipe Support
The multipipe feature supports the multiple pipes on the command-line interface. With this feature the
output can be processed by an enhanced utility set. Using various combination of utilities, it is possible
to gather, filter, and format the output of any show command. An arbitrary limit of 8 pipes is supported
on command-line interface with this limit superseded by the limit of characters that can be typed on the
single line (1024) if the individual commands specified with pipes are long enough.
In addition, if you want to give the Pipe character (|) as a pattern, you must give it in double quotes. For
RP/0/RP1/CPU0:single8-hfr# show running-config|include “gi|ospf”|file disk0:/usr/a.log
Show Parser Dump Enhancement Feature
The show parser dump command displays the CLI syntax options for a specific submode.
It is a utility that dumps the parser commands supported on the router and a tool that displays line-by-line
commands available in a submode. The command is available in every mode and it shows the command
set available for that mode. This is a very handy tool for collecting the CLI commands for a mode.
The show parser dump command supports a filters. Specify an initial portion of the command, then
matching commands display.
RP/0/RSP1/CPU0:router(config-un)# show parser dump
show configuration merge
show configuration running sanitized desanitize rpl
show configuration running sanitized
show configuration running
show configuration
show configuration failed noerrors
show configuration failed
show configuration failed load
show running-config
show running-config sanitized desanitize rpl
show running-config sanitized
show running-config submode
show parser dump
show history detail
show history