Cisco ASR 9000 Series Aggregation Services Router Getting Started Guide
Chapter 2 Bringing Up Cisco IOS XR Software on the Router
Bringing Up and Configuring the Router
Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 Establish a connection to the Console port. Initiates communication with the router.
For instructions on connecting to the Console port, see
the “Connecting to the Router Through the Console
Port” section on page 1-11.
When you have successfully connected to the router
through the Console port, the router displays the
prompt: Username:
Step 2 Type the username for the root-system login and press
Sets the root-system username, which is used to log in to the
Step 3 Type the password for the root-system login and press
Creates an encrypted password for the root-system
Note This password can be changed with the secret
Step 4 Retype the password for the root-system login and
press Enter.
Allows the router to verify that you have entered the same
password both times.
If the passwords do not match, the router prompts you
to repeat the process.
Step 5 Log in to the router. Establishes your access rights for the router management
Type the root-system username and password that were
created earlier in this procedure.
After you log in, the router displays the CLI prompt,
which is described in the “CLI Prompt” section on
page 3-6.
The following example shows the root-system username and password configuration for a new router,
and it shows the initial log in:
--- Administrative User Dialog ---
Enter root-system username: cisco
Enter secret:
Enter secret again:
RP/0/0/CPU0:Jan 10 12:50:53.105 : exec[65652]: %MGBL-CONFIG-6-DB_COMMIT :
'Administration configuration committed by system'. Use 'show configuration
commit changes 2000000009' to view the changes.
Use the 'admin' mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration.
User Access Verification
Username: cisco