Cisco 7204 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter1 Product Overview
Physical Description
Note The I/O controller without the Fast Ethernet port does not have the FE enabled LE D and the FE link LED.
The I/O controller without the Fast Ethernet port and the I/O controller that is equipped with a single
MII port do not have the MII enabled, RJ-45 enabled, and RJ-45 link LEDs.
Note An MII LINK LED is not provided on the I/O co ntro lle r be ca use t h e LED is prov ided on exter na l
transceivers that are required for connecting to the MII port on the I/O controller. Refer to the section
Fast Ethernet Connection Equipment section on page3-16 inChapter 3, Installing the Cisco7204
for Fast Ethernet MII connection requirements.
Use the showdiag 0 command to identify the I/O controller (with or without the Fast Ethernet port)
installed in your Cisco 7204 router.
Note Slot 0 in Cisco 7200 series routers is always reserved for the Fast Ethernet port on the I/O controllerif
present. If the I/O controller without the Fast Ethernet port is installed in your Cisco 7200 series router,
the system software will not display output for the showdiag 0 command.
Note Refer to the section Port Adapter Slot and Logical Interface Numbering section on page1-23 for
information about port adapter slot numbering and logical interface numbering for the Cisco 7204 router.
The following sample output from the show diag 0 command is from a Cisco 7204 I/O controller with
the Fast Ethernet port that is equipped with an MII port an d RJ-4 5 p ort:
Router> show diag 0
Slot 0:
Fast-ethernet on C7200 I/O with MII or RJ45 port adapter, 1 port
Port adapter is analyzed
Port adapter insertion time 00:10:42 ago
Hardware revision 2.0 Board revision A0
Serial number 3511336 Part number 73-1537-03
Test history 0x0 RMA number 00-00-00
EEPROM format version 1
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x20: 01 14 02 00 00 35 94 28 49 06 01 03 00 00 00 00
0x30: 50 0000 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
RJ45 LINK Indicates that the Fast Ethernet ports RJ-45 port has established a valid link
with the network. This LED remains off during normal operation of th e
router, unless there is an incoming carrier signal.
Slot 0 Slot 1 Goes on to indicate which PCMCIA slot is in use when either slot is being
accessed by the system. These LEDs remain off during normal ope ra tion of
the router.
Table1-5 I/O Controller LEDs (continued)
LED Function