Regulatory Standards Compliance

Nederlands: Deze apparatuur voldoet aan de belangrijkste eisen en andere voorzieningen van richtlijnen 73/23/EEC en 89/336/EEC zoals gewijzigd door richtlijn 93/68/EEC.

Norsk: Dette utstyret samsvarer med de vesentligste kravene og andre regler i direktivene 73/23/EEC og 89/336/EEC samt i tilleggsdirektiv 93/68/EEC.

Português: Este equipamento satisfaz os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões das Directivas 73/23/EEC e 89/336/EEC, conforme amendados pela Directiva 93/68/EEC.

Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine CSACSE-1112-K9

Suomalainen: Tämä laite on direktiivien 73/23/ETY ja 89/336/ETY (kuten muutettu direktiivissä 93/68/ETY) keskeisten vaatimusten ja määräysten mukainen.

Svenska: Denna utrustning uppfyller de väsentliga kraven och andra villkor i direktiven

73/23/EEC och 89/336/EEC enligt ändringarna i direktiv 93/68/EEC.

Regulatory Standards Compliance

This section contains the regulatory compliance, safety, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards. It also lists the statements applicable to different countries.

Table 1 lists the regulatory standards compliance specifications.



Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for the Cisco Secure ACS Solution Engine Version 3.3







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Cisco Systems CSACSE-1112-K9 manual Regulatory Standards Compliance