Chapter 2 Initial Switch Configuration
Using the Switch Setup Utility
Se n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o m m e n t s t o m d s f e e d b a ck - d o c @ c i s c o . c o m
Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
The switch setup utility guides you through the basic configuration process. Press
Step 6 Enter no (no is the default) to not create any additional accounts.
Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: no
Step 7 Enter no (no is the default) to not configure any
Step 8 Enter no (no is the default) to not configure any
Step 9 Enter a name for the switch.
Note The switch name is limited to 32 alphanumeric characters. The default is switch.
Enter the switch name: switch_name
Step 10 Enter yes (yes is the default) to configure the
Continue with
a.Enter the IP address for the mgmt0 interface.
Mgmt0 IP address : mgmt_IP_address
b.Enter the netmask for the mgmt0 interface in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.
Mgmt0 IP netmask : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Step 11 Enter yes (yes is the default) to configure the default gateway (recommended).
Configure the
Step 12 Enter the default gateway IP address.
IP address of the
Step 13 Enter no (no is the default) to configure advanced IP options such as
Configure Advanced IP options (yes/no)? [n]: no
Step 14 Enter yes (yes is the default) to enable Telnet service.
Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]: yes
Step 15 Enter no (no is the default) to not enable the SSH service.
Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [n]: no
Step 16 Enter no (no is the default) to not configure the NTP server.
Configure the ntp server? (yes/no) [n]: no
Step 17 Enter noshut (shut is the default) to configure the default switch port interface to the noshut state. Configure default switchport interface state (shut/noshut) [shut]: noshut
Cisco MDS 9000 Family Fabric Manager Quick Configuration Guide
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