Hardware Reference
C H A P T E R ➆
Hardware ReferenceThe information in this chapter will enable you to:
❏Use this chapter as a quick-reference for system performance specifications
Z600 Electrical Specifications
Electrical specifications for the Z Drive’s input and output power are
provided in this section.
Input Power
❏Voltage (Nominal) 120VAC (1 or 3-phase) or 240VAC (1 or 3-phase )
❏Voltage (Range) 92-130VAC (1 or 3-phase) or 205-252VAC (1 or 3-phase)
❏Frequency (Range) 47-66 Hz
❏Current (Max. cont.) 15A (rms) 3-phase or 26A (rms) 1-phase
❏Power (Max. cont.) 6.2 KVA
❏Fuses 20A slow blow—Not user accessible
❏Isolation transformer Not required
The actual input power and current is a function of the motor's operating
point (speed and torque) and the duty cycle. You can de-rate the fuses and
isolation transformer by scaling the above numbers by your actual
requirements. The numbers above reflect the servo motor and drive
operating at rated speed and rated torque at 100% duty.
Output Power
❏Voltage 405 VDC (maximum)
❏Frequency 0 - 400Hz fundamental (7 kHz PWM)
❏Current 20A continuous per phase sinusoidal (14.14Arms)
40A peak per phase sinusoidal (28.3Arms)
❏Regen/power dump Optional accessory
Z600 Motor/Drive Configuration
The Z600's hardware is pre-configured to control Z600 motors. The Z600 series
drives only Z600 motors, the Z800 series drives only Z800 motors, and the Z900
series drives only Z900 motors. Be sure that your drive type matches your motor type
(Z600, Z800, or Z900). If you have questions about the Z motor/drive configuration,
call your local Automation Technology Center (ATC) or distributor.