Liquid soap connection (option)

Connection of the liquid soap hoses

Electrical connection of the liquid soap pumps

The liquid soap connection consists of 8 connections for liquid soap (SI….S).

The central opening is used for ventilation.

On machines equipped with a liquid soap connection, connect the wires directly on the print board next to the ground wire connection (option). Connect as indicated on the wiring diagram.

The two connectors on the right give a tension of 220V ~ (max. 4A) which can be applied to drive 220V ~ soap pumps. If more than 4A is required, an external tension will have to be used. 6 connections have been provided, of which one (S6) can be used to drive a waterproofing pump (e.g. for rain coats, etc.).

The 220V can be transformed to other values to drive other type soap pumps.

Example: pumps 24V ~.

Also, pumps with different operating tension can be combined.

Example: 5 pumps 220V ~ and 1 pump 24V ~.

With an external tension 24V DC