File name : CBM_SR-281N_IB_English_black_v09330.doc
Date: 2009/3/30 Trimmed Size : 140 x 75 mm SCALE 1 : 1
78. Muon magnetic moment
anomaly aμ 1.1659160264 x10 –3
79. Muon g–factor gμ –2.00233183201
80. Muon Compton
wavelength λc, μ11.7344419735 x10 –15 m
81. Muon Compton
wavelength over 2 pi λc, μ1.86759444455 x10 –15 m
82. Muon magnetic moment μμ–4.4904481322x10 –26 J T –1
83. Muon magnetic moment
to Bohr magneton ratio μμ/μB–4.8419708515 x10 –3
84. Muon magnetic moment to
nuclear magneton ratio μμ/μN–8.8905977027
85. Muon–proton magnetic
moment ratio μμ/μp–3.1833453910
86. Tau Compton wavelength λc,τ 0.6977011 x10 –15 m
87. Tau Compton wavelength
over 2 pi λc,τ0.11104218 x10 –15 m
88. Tau mass mτ 3.1678852 x10 –27 kg
89. Tau mass energy
equivalent mτc 22.8471546 x10 –10 J
90. Tau–proton mass ratio mτ/mp1.8939631
91. Proton Compton
wavelength λc,p 1.32140984710 x10 –15 m
92. Proton Compton
wavelength over 2 pi λc,p 0.21030890892 x10 –15 m
93. Proton mass mp 1.6726215813 x10 –27 kg
94. Proton mass energy
equivalent mpc 21.5032773112 x10 –10 J
95. Proton–neutron mass
ratio mp/mn0.99862347856
96. Proton charge to mass
quotient e/mp9.5788340838 x10 7 C kg –1
97. Proton magnetic moment μp 1.41060663358 x10 –26 J T –1
98. Shielded proton magnetic
moment μ'p 1.41057039959 x10 –26 J T –1
99. Proton magnetic moment
to nuclear magneton ratio μp/μN2.79284733729
100. Proton–neutron magnetic
moment ratio μp/μn–1.4598980534
Shielded proton magnetic
moment to Bohr
magneton ratio
μ'p/μB1.52099313216 x10 –3
102. Proton gyromagnetic ratio γp 2.6752221211 x10 8 s –1 T –1
103. Shielded proton
gyromagnetic ratio γ'p 2.6751534111 x10 8 s –1 T –1
104. Proton magnetic shielding
correction σ'p 25.68715 x10 –6
105. Proton g–factor g p 5.58569467557
106. Neutron Compton
wavelength λc,n 1.31959089810 x10 –15 m