File name : CBM_SR-281N_IB_English_black_v09330.doc
Date: 2009/3/30 Trimmed Size : 140 x 75 mm SCALE 1 : 1
48. Nuclear magneton in MHz/T μN/h 7.6225939631 MHz T –1
49. Nuclear magneton in K/T μN/k 3.658263864 x10 –4 K T –1
50. Classical electron radius re 2.81794028531 x10 –15 m
51. Electron mass me 9.1093818872 x10 –31 kg
52. Electron mass energy
equivalent mec28.1871041464 x10 –14 J
53. Electron–muon mass ratio me/mμ4.8363321015 x10 –3
54. Electron–tau mass ratio me/mτ2.8755547 x10 –4
55. Electron–proton mass
ratio me/mp5.44617023212 x10 –4
56. Electron–neutron mass
ratio me/mn5.43867346212 x10 –4
57. Electron–deuteron mass
ratio me/md2.72443711706x10 –4
58. Electron charge to mass
quotient –e/me–1.75882017471 x1011 Ckg –1
59. Compton wavelength λc 2.42631021518 x10 –12 m
60. Compton wavelength over
2 pi λc 386.159264228 x10 –15 m
61. Thomson cross section σe 0.66524585415 x10 –28 m2
62. Electron magnetic
moment μe –928.47636237x10 –26 J T –1
Electron magnetic
moment to Bohr
magneton ratio
Electron magnetic
moment to nuclear
magneton ratio
65. Electron–muon magnetic
moment ratio μe/μ μ206.766972063
66. Electron–proton magnetic
moment ratio μe/μp–658.210687566
67. Electron–neutron
magnetic moment ratio μe/μn960.9205023
68. Electron–deuteron
magnetic moment ratio μe/μd–2143.92349823
69. Electron to shielded helion
magnetic moment ratio μe/μ'h864.05825510
70. Electron magnetic
moment anomaly a e 1.15965218694 x10 –3
71. Electron g–factor g e –2.00231930437
72. Electron gyromagnetic ratio γe 1.76085979471 x10 11 s –1 T –1
73. Muon mass mμ 1.8835310916 x10 –28 kg
74. Muon mass energy
equivalent mμc21.6928333214 x10 –11 J
75. Muon–tau mass ratio mμ/mτ5.9457297 x10 –2
76. Muon–proton mass ratio mμ/mp0.11260951733
77. Muon–neutron mass ratio mμ/mn0.11245450793