File name : CBM_SR-281N_IB_English_black_v09330.doc
Date: 2009/3/30 Trimmed Size : 140 x 75 mm SCALE 1 : 1
Unit Conversion
The calculator has a built-in unit conversion feature that enables you to
convert numbers among different units.
1. Enter the number you want to convert.
2. Press [ CONV ] to display the menu. There are 7 menus, covering
distance, area, temperature, capacity, weight, energy, and
3. Use the [ CONV ] to scroll through the list of units until a
appropriate units menu is shown, then [=].
4. Pressing [ ] or [ 2nd ] [ ] can convert the number to
another unit.
¾ 1 y d 2 = 9 f t 2 = 0.00000083612 km 2
ft2 yd2m2
1 [ CONV ] [ CONV ] [ ] [=]
ft2 yd2m2
[ 2nd ] [ ]
hecta r es
[ ] [ ] [ ]
0 . 0 0000083612
Physics constants
You can use 136 physics constants in your calculations. With the
following constants :
Data is referred to Peter J.Mohr and Barry N.Taylor, CODATA
Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants:1998,
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data,Vol.28, No.6,1999
and Reviews of Modern Physics,Vol.72, No.2, 2000.
No. Quantity Symbol Value, Unit
1. Speed of light in vacuum c 299792458 m s –1
2. Magnetic constant μ0 1.2566370614 x10 –6 N A –2
3. Electric constant ε0 8.854187817 x 10 –12 F m –1
4. Characteristic impedance
of vacuum Z 0 376.730313461 Ω
5. Newtonian constant of
gravitation G 6.67310 x10
–11 m 3 kg –1 s –2
6. Planck constant h 6.6260687652 x10 –34 J s
7. Planck constant over 2 pi h 1.05457159682 x10 –34 J s
8. Avogadro constant NA 6.0221419947 x10 23 mol –1
9. Planck length lp 1.616012 x10 –35 m