File name : CBM_SR-281N_IB_English_black_v09330.doc
Date: 2009/3/30 Trimmed Size : 140 x 75 mm SCALE 1 : 1
107. Neutron Compton
wavelength over 2 pi λc,n 0.21001941422 x10 –15 m
108. Neutron mass mn 1.6749271613 x10 –27 kg
109. Neutron mass energy
equivalent mnc 21.5053494612 x10 –10 J
110. Neutron magnetic
moment μn 0.9662364023x10 –26 J T –1
Neutron magnetic
moment to Bohr
magneton ratio
μn/μB–1.0418756325 x10 –3
112. Neutron g–factor gn 3.8260854590
113. Neutron gyromagnetic
ratio γn 1.8324718844 x10 8 s –1 T –1
114. Deuteron mass md 3.3435830926 x10 –27 kg
115. Deuteron mass energy
equivalent mdc 23.0050626224 x10 –10 J
116. Deuteron molar mass M(d) 2.01355321271x10–3 kg mol –1
117. Deuteron–electron mass
ratio md/me3670.48295508
118. Deuteron–proton mass
ratio md/mp1.99900750083
119. Deuteron magnetic
moment μd 0.43307345718 x10 –26 J T –1
Deuteron magnetic
moment to Bohr
magneton ratio
μd/μB0.46697545565 x10 –3
Deuteron magnetic
moment to nuclear
magneton ratio
122. Deuteron–proton
magnetic moment ratio μd/μp0.30701220835
123. Helion mass mh 5.0064117439 x10 –27 kg
124. Helion mass energy
equivalent mhc 24.4995384835 x10 –10 J
125. Helion molar mass M(h) 3. 01493223470x10 –3kg mol–1
126. Helion–electron mass
ratio mh/me5495.88523812
127. Helion–proton mass ratio mh/mp2.99315265851
128. Shielded helion magnetic
moment μ'h
1.07455296745 x10 –26 J T–1
Shielded helion magnetic
moment to Bohr
magneton ratio
μ'h/μB1.15867147414 x10 –3
Shielded helion magnetic
moment to nuclear
magneton ratio
131. Shielded helion
gyromagnetic ratio γ'h 2.03789476485 x10 8 s –1 T –1
132. Alpha particle mass mα 6.6446559852 x10 –27 kg
133. Alpha particle mass
energy equivalent mαc 25.9719189747 x10 –10 J