Adjusting The Paper Thickness LeverYou can find the paper thickness lever (A) by removing the top cover and looking inside the
printer opening at the far left end. The lever is mounted on a notched brace. Move the lever
toward the front of the printer for thicker papers. A small bump on the brace identifies the
standard location that is appropriate for most papers. Use the following tables to find the recom-
mended setting for the type of paper you are using. You will see the numbers (-2 to +6) referred
to in the tables and on the brace of the paper thickness lever; they will help you locate the
correct lever position.
Paper Thickness Lever Position Number Of Copies (Including Original)
-2 Not used
-1 Not used
0 1 or 2
+1 3
+2 4 or envelope
+3 Envelope
+4 Envelope
+5 Envelope
+6 Envelope
You’ll find that thicker paper feeds best when you use the bottom feeding feature of the printer.
Setting the Paper Select LeverThe paper select lever adjusts the printer for either continuous or single sheet paper If you look
closely at the lever, you’ll see what looks like a paper stack and single sheet next to the lever.
The lever is moved forward (to the paper stack) for continuous paper and back (to the single
sheet) for single sheets.
Paper Handling Summary ChartThe following table provides recommendations for the type of paper you are using, including
tractor unit position, paper feeding method, paper guide position, paper select lever and paper
thickness settings.
Paper Type Tractor Paper Feed Paper Select Paper Thickness
Position Method Lever Lever
Continuos Push Rear Front 0
Single Sheet Push Top Back 0
Multi-Copy Pull Bottom Front +1 or +2
Labels Pull Bottom Front +1
Envelopes Push Top Back +2 - +6
*To print on 4-part paper, feed the paper from the bottom of the printer and set the CPY MODE
menu to ON.
When you install paper that is narrower than the capacity of the printer, place the paper near
side of the printer. The paper-out sensor is about two inches from the left edge of the printer and
the paper needs to cover it for successful operation.