2 Specifications
Interface Specifications
5. Interface pin assignmentThe serial and parallel pin assignment tables are shown below.
nSerial interface pin assignment table
Pin No. Signal Input/Output Description
1F.GND Output Frame ground
2TXD Output RS-232C output data
3RXD Input RS-232C input data
4RTS Output RS-232C (pull up to +5V with 2 KΩ]
5CTS Input RS-232C data transmission on
computer enabled
6NC −Not connected
7S.GND Output Signal ground
8NC −Not connected
9NC −Not connected
10 NC −Not connected
11 NC −Not connected
12 NC −Not connected
13 L.GND Output Control system ground
14 VCCs Output Control system power +5 V (max.
service current 0.05A)
15 NC −Not connected
16 NC −Not connected
17 NC −Not connected
18 NC −Not connected
19 NC −Not connected
20 DTR Output RS-232C printer data receiving
21 NC −Not connected
22 NC −Not connected
23 NC −Not connected
24 NC −Not connected
25 NC −Not connected