To prevent re or shock hazard, do not expose this device to rain or moisture. Dangerous high
voltage is present inside the enc losure. Do not open the cabinet .
CAUTION: To prevent electric shock , match wide blade of plug to wi de slot of outlet and fully
Protect your hear ing: Hearing exper ts advise against the constant use of personal stereo s
played at high volume. Constant exposure to high volumes can lead to hearing loss. If you should
experience ringing in the ears or hearing loss, discontinue use and seek medical advice.
FCC Statement:
this device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub ject to the following
two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful inter ference, and
(2) This device must accept any interf erence received, including inte rference that may
cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply with the limit s for Class B digital
devices, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC r ules. These limits are desig ned to provide
reasonable protection against har mful interference in a residen tial installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can rad iate radio frequency energy and, if not i nstalled
and used in accordance wit h the instructions, may cause harm ful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guar antee that interference will no t occur in a par-
ticular installation. If this equi pment does cause harmful inte rference to radio or televi -
sion reception, which can b e determined by turning the equip ment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correc t the interference by one or more of t he following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the rec eiving antenna.
- Increase the separation bet ween the equipment and recei ver.
- Connect the equipment into an out let on a circuit different from t hat to which the
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienc ed radio/TV technician for help
Use of shielded cable is required to co mply with Class B limits in Subpar t B of Part 15 of
the FCC rules.
Do not make any changes or modications t o the equipment unless other wise specied
in the manual. If such changes or modi cations should be made, you could be re quired
to stop operation of the equipment .
Specifications and manual are subj ect to change without prior n otice.