Press the DISPLAY button once to sh ow playback information d uring playback.
Press it twice to enter the playe r’s setup menu. Enter the Setup menu to adjust the player’s
internal settings, please see t he SETUP section for m ore details.
Press ZOOM to change the magnic ation level of the picture.
During DVD playback, each successi ve press of ZOOM will change the level of magni cation
Zoom 1x, Zoom 2x, Zoom 3x, Zoom Of f.
During JPEG CD playback , each successive press of ZOOM will change the level of mag-
nication to:
Zoom 1x, Zoom 2x, Zoom 3x, Zoom Of f.
When the magnication level is gre ater than Normal/100 %, use the NAVIGATION keys to pan
around the magnied picture.
When the magn ication leve l is equ al to 100 %, use t he NAVIGATION keys to ro tate the picture
during JPEG CD playback.
Note: The picture quality will d ecrease as the zoom level (magni cation) increases.
Multi-Subtitle / Audio / Angle
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with subtitles, press SUBT ITLE to view the
available subtitle tracks. (A DVD may have u p to 32 selectable subtitl es.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with alternate language/audio tracks, press
AUDIO to hear the alternate tracks . (A DVD may have up to 8 selectable aud io tracks.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with multiple angles , press ANGLE to view
the available alternate camera an gles. (A DVD may have up to 9 selecta ble angles.)
Menu / Title
Press the MENU button during DV D playback to return to the DVD’s Ma in menu.
Press the TITLE button during DV D playback to return to the DVD’s Ti tle menu.
Repeat A-B Mode
To repeat playback of a specic section o f a disc (loop):
Press A-B to set the desired sta rt point (“A”) of the section to b e repeated.1.
Press A-B again to set the desire d end point (“B” )of the s ection to be repeated.2.
The section “A-B” will now play r epeatedly as a l oop. Press A-B again to resume normal 3.
Repeat Playback of Chapte r/Title/ALL of a Di sc
Press REPEAT to change the repeat mod e of the player. Each successive pr ess of REPEAT will
change the mode as follows:
Repeat Chapter Repeat Title Repeat Disc Repeat Off
Repeat single Repeat all Repeat off (CD, MP3 etc.)