Basic Disc Playback
Prepare the power supply.
Set the Power Switch to the ON position to turn th e player on.
Load a disc.
Press the Open button to open the disc comp artment lid. Insert a disc with th e label-side
up. Close the lid by hand (the lid will click into place).
If a single-sided disc is inserted ups ide-down, the player will display “ NO DISC” or
Start playback.
Make sure the AV Switch is set to AV OUT to use the player’s built-in LCD screen. P ress
PLAY to start playback (some discs may start play ing automatically).
Press to play the disc for the rst time.
Press during playback to pause. Press again to resume playback.
Press during playback to stop the disc (“Pre-Sto p”). Press to resume playbac k at the
time-point at which the disc was stopped.
Press when the disc is “Pre-Stopped” to stop p layback completely. (When is pressed,
the disc will start playing from the begi nning.)
Previous/Next (Skip)
Press to skip back one track (DVD, CD, MP3, etc).
Press to skip forward one track (DVD, CD, MP3, etc).
Reverse/Forward (Scan)

Normal x2 x4 x8 x16 x32

Press to reverse through the disc. Each succ essive press of will change the rate of
reverse playback.
Press to fast-forward through the disc. Each successive press of will change the rate
of forward playback.
Normal x1/2 x1/4 x1/8 x1/16 x1/32
Press SLOW for slow-motion playback. Each successive press of SLOW will change the rate
of slow-motion playback. Press to resume norm al playback.
Press STEP frame-by-frame playback. Each succ essive press of STEP will advance the
video one frame. Press to resume normal playback.
Audio will be muted during fast-forwa rd, fast-reverse, and slow-moti on playback.