TV System Sets the player’s Video Out signal type.
Set this to correspond with your TV. NTSC, PAL, Auto
Brightness Select a preset scr een brightness. Normal, Bright, Soft
Contrast Adjust the screen’s contrast. -4 to +4 (0 is default)
Audio Setup
Use the NAVIGATION keys to highlight the desired audio selection and press ENTER to conrm.
Item Description Options (Default is in Bold)
Digital Out
Sets t he player’s Coaxial Digital Audio
Out signal. For use with 5.1-channel re-
ceivers (see your receiver’s manuals fo r
more details).
To minimize circuit interference, set the Digi tal Out option to “Off” whe n the coaxial digital audio
connection is not in use.
Custom Setup
Use the NAVIGATION keys to highlight the desired Custom Setup sele ction and press ENTER to
Item Description Options (Default is in Bold)
Parental Ctrl
Sets the maturity rating level of the player.
The player will not play any discs rated
higher than this setting.
This setti ng is password protecte d (the
default password is: 8888).
Levels 1 to 8. (8: ADULT is
Change the Par ental Ctrl password. Enter the old password, the new pass-
word, and then the new password a gain to verify. DO NOT FORGET T HE
PASSWORD; this password cannot be re set.
Angle Mark
Displays an on-sc reen prompt wh enever
an alternate angle beco mes available for
viewing (press ANGLE to view).
On, Off
Resets all settings to their factor y-default
state. This will not reset the Parental
Ctrl password.