1 Seat baby into carrier. Secure side lock and side snap
Side lock
Side snap
2 Secure safety buckle
Secure safety buckle until a "Click" sound is heard.
Safety buckle
Refer to "To secure head support hooks" (P.14) for detailed operation.
3 Set the head support
Secure the head support hooks onto the hook attachment rings on the shoulder belt.
Head support | Head support hook |
Hook attachment rings
4 Carry baby on the back
It is recommended to have a third person to assist the operation.
Try to place the baby on a sofa and hold the upper end of shoulder belt when operating on your own.
5 Adjust carrier to fit user
Try to adjust waist belt such that left and right belt end are in same length. Set shoulder belt, waist belt and Combi ladder buckle ➁ properly.
Waist belt
6 Secure waist buckle
Waist buckle
months) 30 around to up developed muscle neck