
To seat baby whose neck muscle is yet to develop


1 Release the safety buckle

Safety buckle

2 Releaselock. the side snap and side

To release side lock, slide the side lock male toward the bigger end of the side lock female.

Side lock male

Side snap

Side lock female

3 Seat the baby

Open carrier at a safe place and seat baby inside. Make sure baby's head is not leaning too tight against head guard.

developed) muscle neck until birth (from

6 Check if the carrier fits baby

Put 2 adult fingers in between carrier and baby and adjust belt length with safety buckle and Combi ladder buckle in case of feeling too loose or too tight.

Around 2 fingers

Adjust the left and right belt to the same length

Same length

7 Set the head guard

Secure left and right head guard hooks to hook attachment rings on shoulder strap.

Head guard hook

Adjust safety belt regularly according to different growth stages.