2-2 Troubleshooting

Table 2-1Power-On Self-Test Messages

Message Probable Cause Recommended Action

The computer
the beep consists of
continuous long
No system memory is present. Add system memory.
The computer
the beep consists of
one long beep
followed by two short
A video error has occurred
and the BIOS cannot initialize
the video screen to display
any additional information.
Ensure the VGA card is installed correctly and that
the monitor cable is well connected.
Checksum Error -
System Halted
The checksum of the BIOS
code in the BIOS chip is
incorrect, indicating the BIOS
code may have become
Replace the BIOS.
CMOS Battery
Failed CMOS battery is no longer
functional. Replace the battery.
CMOS Checksum
Error - Defaults
The checksum of CMOS is
incorrect, so the system loads
the default equipment
A checksum error may indicate that CMOS has
become corrupt. This error may have been caused
by a weak battery. Check the battery and replace
if necessary.
CPU at nnnn Displays the running speed of
the CPU. None.
Display Switch Is Set
Incorrectly The display switch on the
system board can be set to
either monochrome or color.
This message indicates the
switch is set to a different
setting than indicated in
Determine which setting is correct, and then either
turn off the system and change the jumper, or
enter Setup and change the Video selection.
Press Esc to Skip
Memory Test The system is testing memory. The user may press Esc to skip the full memory
Floppy Disk(s) Fail Cannot find or initialize the
floppy drive controller or the
Ensure the controller is installed correctly. If no
diskette drives are installed, be sure the Diskette
Drive selection in Setup is set to None.
Hard Disk Install
Failure Cannot find or initialize the
hard drive controller or the
This will occur only if the BIOS supports low level
format. Current BIOS does not support low-level