5-24 Removal and Replacement Procedures
5.19 Mass Storage DevicesThis section discusses the removal and replacement procedures on the Compaq Deskpro 1000
Series of Personal Computers.
For information on installing an additional hard drive using cable-select technology, refer to
Appendix C, “Hard Drives.”
5.19.1 Drive Positions
The Compaq Deskpro 1000 Series of Personal Computers supports up to five drives, including:
1One external 3.5-inch third-height diskette drive
2One internal 3.5-inch third-height bay for an optional hard drive
3One internal 3.5-inch third-height hard drive
4One external 5.25-inch half-height bay for optional drive
5One external 5.25-inch half-height bay for optional drive
Figure 5-20. Drive Bay Positions