Compaq HW191 user manual Other Setting, Ddc/Ci

Models: HW191

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User’s Manual

OSD Color

Select theOSD Colorsetting option to adjust the color of the OSD.

Enter the option and adjust the level.



Select theLanguageoption to change the language of the OSD.

Enter the option and select a language.


(Reference only, the OSD Language is depended on selected model)


Exit the OSD menu function.



Other Setting







Select theDDC/CIoption to switch the function On or Off.


Select theVolumeoption to set the volume level from 0 to 100. Enter

the option and adjust the level.


DOS mode

Select theDOS Modeoption to set the monitor for DOS display. Enter

the option and select Text or Graphics.


VGA mode

Select theVGA Modeoption to set the monitor for VGA display. Enter

the option and select 720x400 or 640x400.


Factory Preset

Select theFactory Presetoption to reset to the monitor’s default

setting. This will erase the current settings. Enter the option and select


On or Off.


Exit the OSD menu function.




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Compaq HW191 user manual Other Setting, Ddc/Ci