2–4 Maintenance and Service Guide

Selecting from the Security Menu

Tabl e 2- 2

Security Menu

Select To Do This
Administrator password Enter, change, or delete an HP Administrator
Power-on password Enter, change, or delete a power-on password.
Password options Enable/Disable stringent security.
Enable/Disable required password on restart.
DriveLock passwords Enable/disable DriveLock; change a DriveLock
user or master password.
DriveLock Settings are accessible only
when you enter Computer Setup by turning
on (not restarting) the computer.
Smart Card Security Enable/disable power-on support for smart cards.
This feature is supported by select smart
card readers only.
Embedded Security Enable/Disable the embedded security chip.
Restore embedded security chip to factory
Enable/Disable power-on authentication
Enable/Disable automatic DriveLock.
Reset power-on authentication credential
Embedded Security settings are accessible
only if the computer is equipped with an
embedded security chip.
Device security Enable/Disable devices in the system.
Enable NIC for inclusion in MultiBoot.
System IDs Enter user-defined identification values.