PCI-bus Analog Input Multi-Function Board
AD12-16(PCI)ET his b oard is interface board of t he PCI bus conformit y
which input s ana log signal and perform s conversi on (AD
t ranslat ion) t o a digit al signal.
A gene ral-purpose type is Conversion spee d: 10ยตsec/ ch,
resol ut ion: A/D conversion is performed by 12 bits.
By using at t ached API funct i on library API-PAC(W32 ), t he
application software for Wi ndows can b e creat ed by t he
various p rogramming languages which are supporting
Win32A PI funct ions, such as Visual Basic, and Visual C/
- Single end 16ch, 8ch different ial(Analo g input funct ion)
Selection of a sin gle, and input and dif ferent ial input is
p ossible at t he jumper on board. The t urn of t he channel t o
change can be beforehand set as an exclusive register
arbitrarily . Moreover, ext ension ( a maximum of 32
channe ls) of t he number of input channels and a
simultaneous sampling are r ealiz able by using optional
- Buffer memory loading(Analo g inp ut fun ct ion)
T he buffer memor y for 256K dat a whic h can be used in
FIFO o r ring form is carrie d on board. T he sampl ing as
backgr ound proces sing independent of t h e t hroughp u t of a
personal computer is p ossible.
- Colorf ul sampling cont rol funct ion(Analo g input funct ion)
A st ar t /st op of a sampling ca n det ect and cont rol t h e siz e
of not only t he command of so ft ware but analog signa l, and
t he s ignal of T T L level. Moreover, select ion of t he internal
sampli ng clock w hich uses t he clock generat or of board
loadin g, and t he ext ernal sa mpling clo ck which uses t he
digital signal inputt ed f rom t he outside is possible fo r t he
sampli ng clock which det ermin es sampling sp eed.
- Analog output funct ion
Analo g output f unct ion of one chan nel is car ried.
-Digital I/O function
It has four digit al inp ut s of T T L level, and four digit al
outputs, and t he monit or of e xt ernal apparat us and c ont rol
can be performed.
-Abundant Option
Furt h ermore, t h e op t ion apparat us which ext ends a
function can be used.
By using option apparat u s, a funct ional ris e and
connection can be performed easily .
Pleas e refer t o "cable connect or" a nd "accessories" about an
Accessories (Option)
Accessories (Option)
Termi nal unit f or solderl ess t ermi nal : DT P- 3(PC)
Termina l unit for l eads : DT P-4 (PC)
BNC connector relay terminal unit : ATP-16 *2
Solderless terminal relay terminal stand : FTP-15 *3
Solderless relay terminal unit : EPD-37 *2
Simul t aneous sa mpling fun ct ional ext ension bo ard :
ATSS-16 *2
Insulated functional extension board : ATII-8A *2
Low path filter extension board : ATLF-8 *2
Channel extension board : ATCH-16(PCI)
*2 Option cable of PCB37PS-*P is required (0.5m is
*3 Option cable of DT/E2 an d PCB15P-1.5 are required.
Cable & Connector (Option)
Cable (Option)
37p in D-SUB 37-pin flat ca ble : PCA3 7P-1.5
37p in D-SUB 37-pi n shield c able :
PCA37PS-*P (0.5m, 1.5m)
37p in D-SUB 37 pin D-SUB shield ca ble :
PCB37P S-*P (0.5m, 1.5m)
15p in D-SUB 15pi n flat cab le : PCA15 P-1.5
15p in D-SUB bot h- ends connector flat c able :
PCB15P-1.5 *1
Coaxia l cable fo r single end input (1 6ch) :
PCC16PS-* (1.5m, 3m)
2pin shield cable for 16ch (8ch) : PCD8PS-* (1.5m, 3m)
16pin flat cable(1.5m) : DT/E1
15p in D-SUB conversion cable : DT /E2
*1 FT P -15 is required only at t he t ime o f use.
Packing List
- Board [AD12-16(PCI)E] - 1
- User's Guide - 1
- CD-ROM [API-PAC(W32)] - 1