Analog Output ConnectionT he example in t h e case of connect ing an analog o utput signal using a flat cable or a shiel d cable is shown.
It is example of connection when usin g cables, such as optional flat cable (PC A37P).
T he an alog output and anal og ground of CN1 are connect ed t o t he input and ground of external apparat us.
Analog OutputAnalog GroundBOARD CN1CableTargetIt is t he exampl e of connect ion which used t he s hield cable . Please use it t o enlarge t he case where t he dist anc e of a boa rd and
ext ernal apparat us is long, and noise- proof nature. T o t he analog output of CN1, wire line is connected t o a signal line a nd t he
group edited by the shield is connected to a ground.
Analog Ground
Shield cable
Analog Output