M-LIB3 Low Impedance Bus Differential Relay
6.11 TEST
Besides the normal "WATCHDOG" and "POWERFAIL" functions, a comprehensive program of self-test and
self-diagnostic provides :
q Diagnostic and functional test with checking of program routines and memory's content, run every time the
aux. power is switched-on: the display shows the type of relay and its version number and then switches
over to the default display.
q Dynamic functional test is run during normal operation every 10 minutes.
q Complete test activated by the keyboard or via the communication bus either with or without tripping of the
output relays.
All controls can be operated from relay's front or via serial communication bus.
The keyboard includes five hand operable buttons (MODE) - (SELECT) - (+) - (-) - (ENTER/RESET)
plus one indirect operable key (PROG) (see synoptic table a fig.1):
a) -White key MODE :when operated it enters one of the following operation modes
indicated on the display :
MEASURES =Reading of all the parameters measured and of those recorded
in the memory
SET DISP =Reading of the settings and of the configuration of the output
relays as programmed.
PROG =Access to the programming of the settings and of the
configuration of output relays
TEST PROG =Access to the manual test routines.
b) -Green key SELECT :When operated it selects one of the menus available in the
actual operation MODE
c) -Red key + AND - :When operated they allow to scroll the different information
available in the menu entered by the key SELECT and to
increase-decrease the settings.
d) -Yellow key
:It allows:
- the validation of the programmed setting
- the actuation of test programs
- the reset of the default display indication
- the reset of signal LEDs.
e) -Indirect key :Enables access to the programming.