About corega
corega可瑞加科技於1996年成立於日本新橫濱,致力於提供 多元化的家用網路產品:包括乙太網路交換器、無線區域網 路系列產品、路由器、藍芽系列產品、以及與網路相關的產 品應用及服務。
於 2002年2月於台北成立可瑞加科技,專注於台灣市場推廣 高品質的日系家用網路設備。corega以使用者的需求導向為 最重要的營運方針,多樣化的產品行銷以及通路服務營造 corega為最親切適用的家庭網路設備第一品牌!
竭誠感謝您購買corega可瑞加產品,期待本產品為您帶來更 快速便捷的連線體驗,更期盼日後您家用網路擴充/升級的機 會,corega能繼續陪伴您!
corega K.K. designs, develops and markets professional net- working products that address the specific needs of small and medium enterprises and home user’s
Established in 1996, corega 100% founded by Allied Telesis Group in Yokohama, Japan. corega’s core products consists of 10/100/1000 Ethernet products, Wireless Networking Prod- ucts(802.11 a/b/g series), broadband access routers, Bluetooth series and other networking peripheral, such as IP camera and USB Phone.
Thank you again for purchasing corega’s product. Wish you would enjoy the powerful and friendly corega connecting experience!!