
Temperatureof mufflerandnearbyengineareasmayexceed150°F (65°0).Avoidcontactwiththeseareas.

Inspeccioneperi6dicamenteel silenciador,y reemplazarsi es necesario.Piezasde repuestoparael silenciadordebeser el mismoe instaladoen la mismaposici6nquelas piezasoriginales.


Mantenersiempreel cargadordegomacolocadosobreel polo positivoparaevitarcortocircuitos.

IMPORTANTE: Sial quitarla bateriaporcualquierraz6n,desconecte el cablenegativo(Negro)es el cablede laterminalenprimerlugar, seguidoporel positivo(rojo)dealambre.Cuandovuelvaa instalarla bateria,conecteelpositivo(rojo)de alambrede suterminalen primer lugar,seguidoporel negativo(cableNegro).Aseg0resede quelos cablesest_nconectadosa los terminalescorrectos,inversi6ndeellos podriacambiarla polaridady provocarda_osal sistemadealternancia de su motor.


Noutiliceaguaparalimpiarlaspiezasdelmotor.Elaguapuede contaminarelsistemadecombustibleUtiliceuncepilloo. unpasoseco.

1.Diariamenteo antesdecada uso,limpiarde hierba,pajao desechosacumuladosen el motor.Mantenerla vinculaci6n,la primavera,y los controlesde limpieza.

2.Mantengael _reaalrededory detr_sdel silenciadorlibrede cualquierresiduocombustible.

3.Mantenerlimpioel motorpermiteelmovimientodelairealrededor delmotor.

4.Piezasdemotordebenmantenerselimpiasparareducirel riesgo desobrecalentamientoy la ignici6nde los residuosacumulados.

Carburador de ajuste

Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustable.


Limpiezadela bateriaal sacarlodeltractory el lavadocon unasolu- ci6n de bicarbonatoy agua.Si fueranecesario,raspelasterminales de la bateriacon uncepillodealambreparaquitar losdep6sitos.

Escudoterminalesy los cablesexpuestoscongrasao vaselinapara evitarlacorrosi6n.

Faltas de la bateria

Algunascausascomunesdefallasenla bateriasonlos siguientes:






Estosfallosnoson cubiertosporla garanfiadeltractor.


Antesde lubricantes,reparaci6no inspecci6n,siempredesconectar tomade fuerza,palancadecambiose pongaenposici6nneutral, elfreno demano,apagueel motory quite laIlaveparaevitarel arranqueno deseado.

Puntos de pivote y Vinculaci6n

Lubricartodoslos puntosde giroenel sistemadetracci6n,frenode

estacionamientoy lavinculaci6nlevantaral menosunavezalaSocon aceitede la luz.

Ruedas traseras

Las ruedastraserasdebenretirarsede los ejesde unavez por temporada.Lubricarlos ejesy las Ilantasy todo con unobjetivode grasaantesde volvera instalarlos.

Frente Ejes

Cadaextremodedelantedeltractor,la barradearticulaci6npuede estarequipadocon unajustede lagrasa. Lubricarcon unapistolade grasacada25 horasde funcionamientodeltractor.


La bateriaest_ seiiaday es libredemantenimientoLosniveiesde. _cidonose puedecomprobar.

Siempremantengalos cablesde labateriay los terminaies limpiosy libresde corrosi6nen los contenedores.

Despu_sdela limpiezade la bateriay terminaies,apiicaruna ligeracapa devaseiinaograsaa ambasterminaies.

Cualquiercombustibleoaceitederramadoen lam_quinadebeser borradode inmediatoNO. permitaque losdesechosquese acumulan alrededordelas aletasde refrigeraci6ndelmotoro en cualquierotra partede la m_quina.

IMPORTANTE: Eluso de unalavadorade presi6nparalimpiarsu tractorno se recomienda.PuedecausardaSosa los componentes eBctricos,ejes,poleas,rodamientoso el motor.





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Craftsman 247.28901 manual Limpieza DEL Motor, Limpieza DE LA BATERiA, Lubricacion, Limpieza DE LAS M..QUINAS Y LA Cubierta

247.28901 specifications

The Craftsman 247.28901 is a versatile and robust lawn tractor designed to meet the needs of homeowners seeking a reliable gardening tool. It is particularly adept at tackling a variety of yard sizes and types, making it an ideal choice for residential properties. One of its standout features is the powerful 18.5 horsepower, Briggs & Stratton engine, which provides ample power for mowing, towing, and other lawn care tasks. This engine is designed with a fast start capability, ensuring a quick ignition whenever you're ready to work on your yard.

The 247.28901 features a 42-inch steel cutting deck, which enhances its ability to cover larger areas in a shorter amount of time. The cutting deck is equipped with a dual-blade system that not only delivers a fine cut but also helps in mulching, allowing you to recycle grass clippings back into the soil for added nutrients. Riders can choose from six different cutting height positions, ranging from 1 to 4 inches, giving them the flexibility to achieve the desired grass length, tailored to different seasons or lawn needs.

Technologically, the Craftsman 247.28901 stands out with its easy-to-use automatic transmission, allowing for smooth speed adjustments without the need for manual gear shifts. This feature provides a comfortable driving experience, especially on uneven terrain. The tractor also boasts a tight turning radius, making it easy to navigate around flower beds, trees, and other landscaping features.

In terms of comfort, the Craftsman lawn tractor is designed with an ergonomic seat that provides support during extended mowing sessions. The layout of the controls is intuitive, placing essential functions within easy reach for the operator. Additionally, the LED headlights allow for safe operation during early morning or late evening work.

The durable construction ensures that the Craftsman 247.28901 can handle regular use while withstanding various weather conditions. Its rugged tires offer solid traction, allowing it to maneuver across different terrains effectively.

In summary, the Craftsman 247.28901 lawn tractor combines power, efficiency, and user-friendly features, making it a well-rounded option for homeowners aiming to maintain a healthy, well-kept lawn. Whether you’re mowing a small yard or managing a larger estate, this lawn tractor is equipped to handle the task with ease.