The battery pack for this light is equipped with nickel- cadmium rechargeable batteries. Length of service from each chargingwill depend how much the light Is used.
The batteries In the battery pack have been designed to provide maximum trouble free life. However, like all batteries, they will eventually wear out. Do not disassemble battery pack and attempt to replace the batteries. Handling of these batteries, especially when wearing rings and jewelry, could result in a serious bum.
To obtain the longest possible battery life, we suggestthe following:
•Store and charge the battery pack In a cool area. Temperatures below 50°F or above 100° F will shorten battery life.
•Never store battery pack in a discharged condition. Recharge battery immediately when it becomes discharged.
•All batteries gradually lose their charge. The higher the temperature the quicker they lose their charge. If you store your light for long periodsof time without using it, recharge the batteries every monthor two. This practicewill prolongbattery life.
To preservenaturalresources,please recycleor disposeof batteries propeW.
This productcontains
Consultyour local waste authorityfor Information regardingavailable recyclingand/or disposal options.
_k WARNING: Upon removal, cover the battery pack's terminals with heavy duty adhesive tape. Do not
attempt to destroyor disassemble battery pack or remove any of its components.
batteriesmust be recycled or disposed of properly. Also, never touch both terminals with metal objects
and/or body pairs as short clrouitmay result. Keep away from children. Failure to comply with these warnings can result in fire and/or serious injury,
AWARNING: Do not attempt to disassemblethe battery pack. Fire or ln]urycan result.