Change your spark plug each year to make your
engine start easy and run better. Set spark plug gap at
The fuel filter is located inside the fuel tank and is attached to the fuel line. To clean, scrub fuel filter surface with a small brush, Replace if deteriorated.
For best performance,keep dirt from accumulating around the engine cooling fins. Clogged coolingfins cause the engine to run hotter and shorten engine life. Coolingfins may be cleaned using a toothbrushor stiff bristle brush.
CLEAN SPARK ARRESTOR SCREEN (if installed) After every 25 hours of use the spark arrestor screen must be cleaned. Replace screen if detadorating(part no. 2048391).
To clean:
1.Remove the four screws from the engine cover.
2.Remove the four screws from the end of the muffler,
3.Remove the screen and clean with a wire brush. Replace the screen if deteriorated.
To complywith emission regulations,the carburetor mixtureis
The idle speed'canbe adjusted.The idle speed set screw is located on the top of the unit and to the left of the spark plug. It is indicated by the letter =r". To adjustthe idle speed, turn clockwiseto increase and counterclockwiseto decrease idle speed. Idle speed is 2100 + 100 RPM.
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Prepare your backpack air blower for storage at the end of the season or if the unitwill not be used for 30
days or more.
1.Use soap and water to wipe down unit.
2.Be sure that all nuts, bolts, screws, and fasteners are securelyfastened. Inspectfor damaged or worn parts. Replace if necessary.
The straightblower tubes can be removed to ease storage. Use care not to "kink" the throttlecable.
It is importantto prevent gum depositsfrom formingin
essentialfuel system parts such as the carburetor,fuel filter, fuel hose, or tank duringstorage. Also, alcohol blendedfuels, such as gasohol, ethanol or methanol, can attractmoisture,which leads to separationand formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can
damage the fuel system of an engine while in storage.
Do not store gasolinefrom one season to the next.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system shouldbe
emptied before storage of 30 days or more. Followthese instructions:
1.Drain the fuel tank.
2.Start engine and let it run untilthe fuel linesand carburetorare empty. (The engine willstop.)
3.Use fresh gas next season.
4.If you use a fuel stabilizer, the gasolinecan be left in the tank. CAUTION: Never store air blower
insidea building with fuel in the tank{ Fumes can concentrateand possibly reach a source of ignition. Allow engine to cool before storage.
5.Remove spark plug.
6, Pour a few drops of oil intothe cylinder.
7.Pull the starter handle slowlyto distributethe oil.
8.Replace spark plug,
If possible, store your unit indoorsand cover itto give it protectionfrom dust and dirt. Do not use plastic.
Plastic cannot breath, which will allowcondensationto form and will cause your unit to rust. IMPORTANT:
Never cover air blower while engine and mufflerare stillwarm.