Ifyourtractoris notequippedwithrearreflectors, assemblethetail reflectorstotherearfender. Placethereflectorsascloseto thebottomofthe
fenderandasfar apartastheshapeof thefender willallow.Seefigure28.
Before you operate your snow thrower, please review the following checklist to help ensure that
you will obtain the best performance from your snow thrower.
•All assembly instructions have been completed with all bolts and nuts properly tightened.
•Check the engine belt and the auger belt. Make sure they are routed properly around pulleys and inside all belt keepers.
•Check discharge chute for proper rotation.
•Check operation of tilt control for upper chute.
•Verify that the lift handle will lock into and release from the raised transport position. (Refer to the Service and Adjustments section.)
•Check skid shoe adjustment. (Refer to the Service and Adjustments section.)
The following additional items are available from Sears to help enhance the performance of your snow thrower. See page 2.
•Tire chains which can be installed to improve traction.
•Rear wheel weights which can be installed in addition to the rear weight tray to improve traction.
•Drift cutter bars which can be installed to help slice off the edges of tall drifts.