Craftsman 247.889980 manual Checking Tire Pressure

Models: 247.889980 88998

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Checking Tire Pressure

Checking Tire Pressure

Maximumtire pressureunderany circumstancesis30 psi. Equaltire pressureshouldbemaintainedat alltimes.

The reartiresonyour unitmaybeover-inflatedfor shippingpurposes. Reducethe tire pressurebeforeoperatingthe mower.Recommended operatingtire pressureis approximately20 p.s.i.Checkthe sidewallof tirefor maximump.s.i.

Gas and Oil

Thefuel tankhasa capacityof twogallons. Removethe fuelcap by turningit counterclockwiseUseonly. clean,fresh(nomorethan30 daysold), unleadedgasoline.Fillthe tankno higherthanfour inches belowthetop of the filler neckto allow spaceforfuel expansion.

Useextremecarewhenhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammableandthe vaporsareexplosive. Neverfuel the machine indoorsor whilethe engineis hot or running.Extinguishcigarettes, cigars,pipes andother sourcesof ignition.

NOTE:Yourlawnmoweris shippedwithoil inthe engine.However, you MUSTchecktheoil levelbeforeoperating.Referto the Service andMaintenanceSectionfor CheckOil instructions.

Alwayschecktheengineoil levelbeforeeachuse. Addoilas neces- sary.Failureto do so mayresultinseriousdamageto yourengine.


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Craftsman 247.889980 manual Checking Tire Pressure