Toraiseor lowerthecuttingdeck, movethe deck heightleverto the left,then placeit inthe notchbestsuitedforyour application.


Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhenoperatingyour mower.

Planyour mowingpatternto avoiddischargeof materialstoward roads,sidewalks,bystanders.Also,avoiddischargingmaterial againstawall orobstructionwhichmaycausedischargedmaterialto ricochetbacktowardtheoperator.

Do not mowat fastgroundspeeds,especiallyif a mulchkitor grasscollectoris installed.

Do notcut thegrasstoo short.Shortgrassis proneto weed growthandyellowsquicklyin dry weather.

Alwaysoperatethe mowerwiththethrottle/chokecontrolinthe FAST_ positionwhile mowing.

For bestresultsit is recommendedthatthe firsttwolaps becut withthe dischargethrowntowardsthe center.Afterthe first two laps,reversethe directiontothrowthe dischargeto the outside for the balanceof cutting.Thiswill givea betterappearanceto the lawn.

Do NOTattemptto mowheavybrushandweedsor extremelytall grass.Yourmoweris designedto mowlawns,NOTclear brush.

Keepthe bladessharpandreplacethe bladeswhenworn.

Afterstrikinga foreignobject,stopthe engine,disconnectthe spark plugwireandgroundagainsttheengine.Thoroughlyinspectthe mowerfor any damage.AlwaysInspectthe bladetimingbelt as instructedin the Maintenancesectionof thismanual.Repairthe damagebeforestartingandoperatingthe mower.


TheCraftsmanProWideCutmoweris equippedwitha mulchkit(sup- pliedwiththe mower),whichusesspecialbladesto recirculategrass clippingsrepeatedlybeneaththe cuttingdeck.The ultra-fineclippings arethenforcedbackinto the lawnwheretheyact asa naturalfertilizer. Observethe followingpointsfor the bestresultswhenmulching.

Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnis damp.Wetgrasstends to stickto the undersideof thecuttingdeckpreventingproper mulchingof the clippings.

Do NOTattemptto mulchmorethan1/3the totalheightof the grass.Doingsowill causetheclippingsto clumpupbeneaththe deckandnot bemulchedeffectively.

Maintaina slowgroundspeedto allowthe grassclippingsmore timeto effectivelybe mulched.

Alwayskeepthe throttlecontrolleverinthe FAST,_ position whilemowing.Failingto keepthe engineat full throttleplaces strainon the mower'sengineanddoes notallowthe bladesto properlymulchthe grassclippings.

Beforeinstallingor removingthe mulchbaffle,disengageblades,sto the engineand removekeyto preventunintendedstarting.

Stoptheengineandwaitfor all partsto stopmoving.

Installing the Mulch Baffle

1.Insertthe right-sidetab (A)of the baffleinto the bracketonthe deck. SeeFigure11.

2.Insertthe mulchbaffleinto thedischargeopening(B). See Figure11.

3.Onceit'spositionedin thedeckopening,pushthe baffletowards the rearof the mower(C) to secureit inplace.



Removing the Mulch Baffle

Slidethe baffleto the right(towardthe frontof the mower)to disen-

gagethe slotfromthe mowerdeckandthen prythe left-sideof the baffleoutward.


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Craftsman 247.889980 manual Mowing, Mulching, Keepthe bladessharpandreplacethe bladeswhenworn, Installing the Mulch Baffle

247.889980, 88998 specifications

The Craftsman 88998 is a state-of-the-art toolset designed to cater to the needs of both DIY enthusiasts and professional tradespeople. Reputed for its durability and performance, this versatile toolset encapsulates the craftsmanship that Craftsman is well-known for. The model number 247.889980 signifies its robust features, ensuring you have the right tool for virtually any task.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 88998 is its comprehensive assortment of hand tools. The set includes a variety of sockets, wrenches, and pliers, making it an ideal choice for automotive work, home repairs, and general maintenance. Each tool is constructed from high-quality steel, providing exceptional strength and longevity. The chrome plating not only enhances the look of the tools but also offers corrosion resistance, ensuring they remain in pristine condition even after repeated use.

Another significant characteristic of the 88998 is its innovative design elements. The quick-release ratchet mechanism allows users to make swift and efficient adjustments while working. This feature is particularly beneficial when dealing with tight spaces or when speed is of the essence. Additionally, the molded case that houses the tools is designed for easy transportation and organization, with a layout that prevents tools from shifting or becoming misplaced.

In terms of user comfort, the Craftsman 88998 excels with its ergonomic grips. These grips are designed to reduce hand fatigue, providing maximum torque without compromising on comfort. This is particularly essential for extended projects where traditional tools might become cumbersome.

The technology embedded in the Craftsman 88998 also speaks to the brand's commitment to innovation. The precision-engineered sockets feature a 6-point design that minimizes rounding and slippage, ensuring a positive grip on fasteners. This technology enhances the overall efficiency when tackling stubborn bolts or nuts.

Overall, the Craftsman 88998, model 247.889980, represents a blend of quality, functionality, and advanced design. With its extensive tool selection and superior engineering, this toolset meets the diverse needs of users, making it an indispensable addition to any toolkit. Whether you are a professional tradesperson or a home improvement hobbyist, the Craftsman 88998 stands ready to help you complete your projects with confidence and ease.