2. Chsckthat holes =A" ingovemorconbol lever and hole in governorplate
securely. | Governor | |
GovernorControl Lever | ||
ControlPlate |
Clamp Screw Throttle Cable
NOTE: The carburetoron this engineis low emissidn. It is equippedwithan idlefuel adjustingneedle witha limitercap, which allowssome adjustment withinthe limits allowedby the cap. Do not attemptto rernove the limitercap. The limltercap cannotbe
removed withoutbreakingthe adjusting needle.
The carburetor has been preset at the factory and adjustment ,shouldnot be necessa.,y.
However, minoradjustmentmay be required to compensatefor differencesin fuel, temperature,altitudeor load. If the carburetor does need adjustment,proceed as follows:
In general, tumingidle mixturevalve in (clockwise)decreases the supplyof fuel to the engine gMng a leanerfueVairmixture. Tumingthe idle mixturevalve out (counter-
_) increasesthe supplyof fuel to the engine gMng a richerfueVairmixture. IMPORTANT: Damage to the needle valve and the seat in carburetormay resultif screw istumed in too tight.
1.Air cleaner assembly must be assembled to the carburetorwhen makingcarburetor adjustments.
2.Be sure the throttle control cable is adjustedproperly(see above).
1.Start engineand allowto warm for five minutes. Make final adjustmentswith engine runningand shiff/matJoncontrol lever in neutral (N) pos'_on.
2.Move throttlecontrolleverto slew position.With finger, rotateand hold throttle lever against idle speed screw.
Tum idlespeed screwto attain 1750 RPM.
3.While stillholdingthrottle leveragainst
idlespeed screw,tum idle mixture valve full travel clockwisethen counterclock-
wise untilengine runs rough. Tum valve to a pointmidwaybetween thosetwo positions. Release throttlelever.
4.Move throttle control lever from slow to
fast position. If engine hesitates or dies, tum idle mixture valve out (counterclock- wise) 1/8 tum. Repeat test and continue
to adjust, if necessary, until engine accelerates smoothly.
High speed stop is factory adjusted. Do not adjust or damage may result.
IMPORTANT: Never temper with the engine gevemor, which is facto,'yset for proper engine speed. Overspeeding the engine above the factory high speed seUJngcan be dangerous, ff you think the
Idle Speed Screw
Idle Mixture
Valve with