1.Raise attachment lift lever to its highest position.
2.Slide mower under tractor with deflector shield to right side of tractor.
3.Lower lift lever to its lowest position.
4.Connect front links to mower deck and secure with retainer springs.
5.Connect suspension arms to rear deck brackets and secure with
retainer springs.
Adjust the mower while tractor is parked on level ground or driveway. Make sure tiros are properly inflated (See =PROD-
UCT SPECIFICATIONS" section of this manual). If tires are over or underinflated, you will not properly adjust your mower,
•Raise mower to its highest position.
•At the midpoint of both sides of mower, measure height from bottom edge of mower to ground. Distance =A" on both sides of mower should be the same or within 1/4" of each other.
•If adjustment is necessary, make adjustment on one side of mower only.
•To raise one side of mower, tighten lift link adjustment nut on that side.
•To lower one side of mower, loosen lift
link adjustment nut on that side.
NOTE: Each full turn of adjustment nut will change mower height about 1/8".
•Recheck measurements after adjust- ing.
Bottom edge of | Bottom edge of |
mower to ground | mower to ground |
_= Suspension Arm
IMPORTANT:. Deck must be level
To obtain the best cutting results, the mower housing should be adjusted so
that the front is approximately 1/8 =to 1/2" lower than the roar when the mower is in
its highest position.
Check adjustment on right side of tractor. Measure distance UD" directly in front and behind the mandrel at bottom edge of mower housing as shown.
•Before making any necessary adjust- ments, check that both front links are equal in length.
•If links are not equal in length, adjust one link to same length as other link.
•To lower front of mower loosen nut "E"
on both front links an equal number of turns.
•When distance =D" is 1/8" to 1/2" lower at front than roar, tighten nuts =P against trunnion on both front links.
•To raise front of mower, loosen nut =F" from trunnion on both front links. Tighten nut =E" on both front links an equal number of turns, The two front links must remain equal in length.
•When distance =D" is 1/8" to 1/2" lower
at front than rear, tighten nut up against trunnion on both front links.
Both Front Links Should be Equal in Length