Configuring the
mouse wheel
With the mouse, you can control either the scroll speed or the volume, but not both at the same time.
Configuring the
Using Creative
1. on the Windows taskbar. The Mouse Properties box appears.
2.Click the Configure Mouse Wheel tab.
3.To adjust the wheel scroll speed with the mouse wheel, click the Wheel Scroll Speed option, if it is not selected.
4.Click the Lines box to select the number of text lines to skip for each notch of the mouse wheel.
5.To control the volume of your speakers with the mouse wheel, click the Adjust Volume option.
6.To adjust the amount of volume change for each notch of the mouse wheel, drag the slider to adjust the speed.
7.Click the Apply button, and then click the OK button.
1. on the Windows taskbar. The Mouse Properties box appears.
2.Click the Pointers tab to change a scheme or an image of your pointer.
4.If you want to select a scheme, click the Scheme box, and click the Save As button.
5.Click the Apply button, and then click the OK button.
6.To adjust the motion of the pointer, click the Motion or Pointer Options tab.
7.Drag the top slider to adjust the pointer speed.
8.If you want to show the pointer trail, click the Show pointer trails check box to select it, and drag the bottom slider to adjust the length of the trail.
9.Click the Apply button, and then click the OK button.
1. on the Windows taskbar. A user interface showing the shortcut keys on Creative Wireless Keyboard appears.
2.Place the cursor on the button you want to configure. If the button does not change colour, you cannot configure it.
Using Creative Mouse And Keyboard Software