Usage Precautions

Disconnecting your camera properlyWindows XP,Windows 2000 andWindows Me

This prompt appears on the Taskbar in Windows XP. On other operating systems, a message box appears on the desktop instead.

Before switching modes, disconnecting your camera from your computer or turning your camera off, note the color of the LED indicator. Wait until the LED indicator turns green before attempting any other action with the camera.

Before disconnecting your camera from your computer, use the Windows Eject or Safely Remove Hardware icon on the Taskbar to safely disconnect your camera. If not, your camera may not be able to function normally. Follow these steps below to safely disconnect your camera:

1.Click the Safely Remove Hardware icon on the Taskbar and click Safely remove USB Mass Storage Device as shown.

Figure 2-8: Choosing a USB Mass Storage Device to disconnect

2.Unplug your player when you are prompted to do so.

Figure 2-9: Disconnecting your camera

About Your Camera 2-8