Error Diagrams If an error occurs, you may see the following diagram, indicating the general
nature of the problem.
| Diagram | Likely Causes | Suggested Action |
| ❍ physical defects | ❍ contact Customer |
| ||
| ❍ numerous high- | |
| Support Services | |
| impact shocks | |
| |
| ❍ unexpected power | ❍ download a newer |
| ||
| firmware version | |
| loss while saving | ❍ reload firmware |
| settings | ❍ contact Customer |
| ||
| Support Services |
| ❍ player is unable to | ❍ clear your player’s |
| perform the selected | memory |
| task (for example, | ❍ contact Customer |
| deleting a file) | Support Services |
❍unsupported file system
❍corrupted file system
❍check that the file system you have selected during formatting is FAT only
❍use ScanDisk to check your player
Onscreen Diagram and Icon Guide